Diffusion Models Already Have A Semantic Latent Space

ICLR 2023 (notable-top-25%)

Mingi KwonJaeseok JeongYoungjung Uh

Yonsei University, Korea

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Diffusion models achieve outstanding generative performance in various domains. Despite their great success, they lack semantic latent space which is essential for controlling the generative process. To address the problem, we propose asymmetric reverse process (Asyrp) which discovers the semantic latent space in frozen pretrained diffusion models. Our semantic latent space, named h-space, has nice properties for accommodating semantic image manipulation: homogeneity, linearity, robustness, and consistency across timesteps. In addition, we measure editing strength and quality deficiency of a generative process at timesteps to provide a principled design of the process for versatility and quality improvements. Our method is applicable to various architectures (DDPM++, iDDPM, and ADM) and datasets (CelebA-HQ, AFHQ-dog, LSUN-church, LSUN-bedroom, and METFACES).


Generative process of Asyrp

The green box on the left illustrates Asyrp which only alters $ P_t $ while preserving $ D_t $ shared by DDIM. The right describes that Asyrp drifts the original reverse process toward the target attribute reflecting the change in $ h $-space.


Note that we use fixed pretrained diffusion models without any fine-tuning or gradient guidance.

CelebA-HQ, LSUN-Church, AFHQ-dog, METFACES, LSUN-bedroom
firenze.jpg firenze.jpg firenze.jpg

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Real images

Real images
Smiling (Top) and Young (Bottom). Edited real images by Asyrp w/o Quality Boosting.

Real images

Nicolas cage. Edited real images by Asyrp w/o Quality Boosting.

Real images

Modigliani (Left) and Neanderthal (Right). Edited real images by Asyrp w/o Quality Boosting.

Real images

Happy Dog. Edited real images by Asyrp w/o Quality Boosting.

Real images

Smiling. Edited real images by Asyrp w/ Quality Boosting.

Real images

Young. Edited real images by Asyrp w/ Quality Boosting.

Real images

Nicolas cage. Edited real images by Asyrp w/ Quality Boosting.

Real images

Happy Dog. Edited real images by Asyrp w/ Quality Boosting.

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CelebA-HQ, LSUN-Church, AFHQ-dog, METFACES, LSUN-bedroom
firenze.jpg firenze.jpg firenze.jpg firenze.jpg

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